Kip Garvey

Kip Garvey
Professional Square Dance Caller
Ione, CA ♦ [email protected]

Kip's Books

Kip has authored a number of magazine articles and technical documents about square dance calling. Recently, he has written a new book that explains many of these critical behind-the-scenes concepts for experienced callers: 'Nuts and Bolts.' He has also published a book for beginning callers, titled 'Call Me Crazy.' Both of these books can be ordered in printed form from Click in the yellow 'Buy The Book' button and you will be redirected to the book site where you can purchase the book.

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Call Me Crazy

Call Me Crazy Cover
For newer callers and those who think they might like to learn to call. Complete digest of skills and responsibilities related to calling square dances, including processes and methods of developing and delivering call sequences, basic choreographic theory, singing call design and methods, the business aspects of calling including tax reporting responsibilities, and a complete set of 12 lesson plans for teaching new dancers the Basic calls.

Read the Table of Contents. (450kb PDF — you must have Adobe Reader or a compatible PDF viewer installed.)
Read the Index. (58kb PDF)

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Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.Available in printed form at Lulu.

$29.95 plus tax and shipping
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Nuts and Bolts

Nuts and Bolts Cover
The definitive deep-dive into choreographic structure. A must-have for every caller, new or experienced. Kip covers in detail concepts such as Resolution Paths, Ladies Chain Effect, Acey Deucey Effect, and visual techniques of Odd and Even Pairings along with Relationship Calling, Extemporaneous Sight Calling and Resolution."

Read the Table of Contents. (600kb PDF — you must have Adobe Reader or a compatible PDF viewer installed.)

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Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.Available in printed form at Lulu.

$29.95 plus tax and shipping
(shipping cost varies.)

Note About Lulu

Lulu is a "print on demand" publisher. They do not maintain a stock of books. Instead, the book is not printed until you order it. The printing process can take 3 to 5 days, and shipping will take some time after that. So, if you want a physical book that you can hold in your hands, it will take longer than some other online booksellers you may be accustomed to.

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