Kip Garvey

Kip Garvey
Professional Square Dance Caller
Ione, CA ♦ [email protected]

Kip's Info For Callers And Club Leaders

Over the years, Kip has developed a number of documents used in caller schools and seminars. Some of them are available here for free as PDF files. There are also articles of interest here by other authors.
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(You'll need a copy of Adobe Reader or another compatible PDF viewer in order to read them.) Ever wonder why and how CALLERLAB got started? Or, how the CALLERLAB dance programs came to be? Read all about the challenges facing modern western square dancing in the pre-CALLERLAB years, and how these challeges were met by CALLERLAB. Read how the dance programs were developed and the many issues involved at the time. Thinking maybe the problems with recruitment and retention of new dancers is a recent event? Think again. Here are two essays written in 1985 that warned of the slippery slope square dancing was on over 30 years ago. Thanks to Jim Mayo for bringing these two documents to our attention.

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